Monday, May 22, 2006

Has It Really Been Three Months?

Wow. I couldn't believe it when I saw the date of my last post: Exactly three months ago.

Well, there's not much to report in our immigration saga. We don't really expect to hear anything again from CIC until about March of 2007. We did re-submit our requests for police clearances from the State of Louisiana, as they would not send them directly to us and we had to wait until we had a file number to send them directly to Buffalo.

We've been thinking about what concrete steps we can take while waiting for the CIC. I'm definitely looking around the apartment with a critical eye, beginning to classify items under one of the following categories: comes with, sell, give away, recycle, shred, trash. I'm hoping to learn eBay; selling stuff achieves two goals: fewer items to pack/schlep and more money for our relocation fund.

Now I realize it's not a done deal and I am somewhat superstitious about tempting fate and all. But I figure getting rid of stuff is always a worthy goal. I always feel so cleansed when I go through one of my purge cycles.

The other side of the story is putting the brakes on acquisition. We think twice about almost every purchase. Do we really need this now? Do we want to take this with us? Any non-consumable needs to be classified into one of the above categories and I'd rather not create more work.

I continue to get to know the place we hope will be our new home by watching CBC, reading books, and browsing online news. I keep up with the blogs (listed at right), even though I don't contribute much in the way of comments. The biggest story is that Nick and Mason (Life Without Borders) are pretty much on their way.

OK, the confession part of the blog. I'm terrible about writing anything. I have ideas in my head and I have the most awful time putting them on paper or screen. I think it may be some type of perfectionism. I really need to get over it. Despite the barren-ness of this blog, I really do have a lot to say -- some of it even articulate ...

I've been promising political rants. Part of the problem is that I don't know where to start. Sometimes I feel like I'm a lunatic because everything seems so crazy to me. I mean, most people seem fine with this reality, so I must be off. Another reason I don't say much is that I can't say things any better than others. There are some incredibly knowledgeable, intelligent, and even witty folks over at the "we move to canada" blog: I can't compete with that. I am so jealous of folks who speak up that have the courage of their convictions AND maintain a sense of humor. I just seem to end up in a righteous blather.

Anyway ... I've been telling folks that wanting to move to Canada is not just about the same-sex marriage issue; we feel that Canada has values closer to ours than does the U.S. And I DO want to expand on that. I guess I just need to dive in somewhere ...


Blogger gito said...

Its nice to see you back!

10:04 AM, May 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Amsterdam! I was just catching up on some of the other blogs and thought I'd check yours again. Yea!!! I could have posted exactly what you did about assessing your "stuff" and thinking twice about all potential acquisitions. The one thing we did, though, was to buy a lot of the stuff that we'd rather buy here (e.g., cheaper electronics) now rather than later. Anyway, glad to see your post!

11:55 AM, May 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. By "here" I mean the U.S., not the Netherlands! ;-)

11:56 AM, May 29, 2006  

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